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Spring arrives

24th March 2015
As the mercury levels begin to reach double digit levels and we gradually leave behind the icy, cold fingertips of winter, it’s easy to see why our sales of popular fruit drinks and other refreshing choices, though popular throughout the year, increase significantly as people look to keep their staff and customers quenched throughout the spring and summer months.

Here at Drinx4u we just love to stock our machines up to the brim with as many of our fruit drink offerings as possible - particularly useful if you run a facility where children are regular visitors.

It’s the time that our blackcurrant and orange-flavoured fruit drinks come into their own, with many large offices and similar organisations ordering multiple cases of the long-lasting 300-capacity boxes to ensure that they don’t run out.

The near universal 73mm format cups will stock up your machine with tasty, refreshing drinks for weeks or months to come, keeping those involved with your business happy and content.

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