Coffee plantations suffering due to lack of funds

27th October 2016
Recent warnings that climate change may be responsible for threatening the long-term future of coffee have, according to scientists, been over exaggerated.

Several scientists believe that a drop in production in certain areas of the world (notably Columbia) is a long-term consequence of the financial crisis of 2008 rather than as a result of global warming. Apparently certain diseases were able to spread more effectively throughout coffee plantations as there was less money available to combat their spread – allowing them to have a much more pronounced effect than previous occurrences.

Whilst the debate over the long-term future of coffee isn’t likely to end anytime soon, you can rest assured that we’ll always have you covered here at Drinx4u – with a variety of coffees from big-name brands to choose from. Simply visit our Incup Coffes section to see exactly what’s on offer.

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